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Interesting point in time…


Interestingly enough I was walking to meet a friend this Sunday morning…typically February is not the best month to be walking around San Francisco yet this particular day happen to be summeresk and actually unusually warm for this time of year.  In my mind was actually nothing about this picture but the Super Bowl game I was about to watch and the amount of alcohol I was about to consume.

When I randomly came across this statue in the middle of what was seemingly not the best neigborhood of San Francisco I was a bit taken back…not to mention I about walked into it as I was in sort of a “zone” planning out my day as I walked to meet up with a few of my friends…

I must have stood staring at this statue for at least 15-20 mins…why, I am not entirely sure.  What I will say is that every once in a while something grabs us and makes some sort of impact on us – which at that moment we may not even know, all we know is that something about that moment in time was special.  I was actually lost to be honest, and had absolutely no intention of even being on this street…I have a pretty large fascination with the Buddhist Culture, no I am not Buddhist, just fascinated by their philosophies…ironic that I stumble across the largest standing statue in San Francisco that day!  By the way I also won an iPad that day also…Interesting point in time indeed.!!!