Blog Archives

What’s it worth to you…

Many of us have an idea of what retirement looks like, or at the very least what our ideal vacation spot looks like!  I have spent some time in multiple exotic locations, most notably Hawaii where my parents both still live.  I can say that I will someday return to Hawaii and probably spend retirement in the sands of Maui.  With that said I recently took a few visits to, ironically, my parents New vacation spot in Lake Shasta.  They, having been in Hawaii for sometime now look at this as their ideal retirement spot, the spot that they want to call home when they have no work to do, or no one to answer to but themselves…Looking from an outside point of view I really like both spots, below is the view from their property and there is no amount of words that can describe the feeling when you wake up in the morning to this view, similarly I could probably same the same about their house in Maui, the ocean waves pounding on shore, the smells of all the various amounts of Hawaiian Fauna that is sitting directly outside in their garden!  Admittedly I can say that the fruits, flowers, and views of Maui are a bit more appealing to me then the location below, although I absolutely love this location for the food (trout and elk to be exact) and the fun that can be had on the Lake and the surrounding Lakes and parks (fishing, hiking, water skiing, golfing).  I guess the point is that we all find different things that appeal to us and really I see it changing throughout my life…I can even say that my parents are great examples, they surely never saw any other spot than Hawaii as their home, however as they grew older and their activities changed so did their love for the island…Now Shasta appeals to them as they can sit on their boat, fish, have a few cocktails and return to their home grill up some fish and enjoy a nice evening of 60’s or so weather rather than the balmy 70-80 degrees they get now!  Find your passion, live it, love it, and follow through with your dreams!!


Interesting point in time…


Interestingly enough I was walking to meet a friend this Sunday morning…typically February is not the best month to be walking around San Francisco yet this particular day happen to be summeresk and actually unusually warm for this time of year.  In my mind was actually nothing about this picture but the Super Bowl game I was about to watch and the amount of alcohol I was about to consume.

When I randomly came across this statue in the middle of what was seemingly not the best neigborhood of San Francisco I was a bit taken back…not to mention I about walked into it as I was in sort of a “zone” planning out my day as I walked to meet up with a few of my friends…

I must have stood staring at this statue for at least 15-20 mins…why, I am not entirely sure.  What I will say is that every once in a while something grabs us and makes some sort of impact on us – which at that moment we may not even know, all we know is that something about that moment in time was special.  I was actually lost to be honest, and had absolutely no intention of even being on this street…I have a pretty large fascination with the Buddhist Culture, no I am not Buddhist, just fascinated by their philosophies…ironic that I stumble across the largest standing statue in San Francisco that day!  By the way I also won an iPad that day also…Interesting point in time indeed.!!!

Where it all Began…

So roughly 8 years ago I set foot on this particular site, my grandparents condo for the weekend, and it was at that point that I realized what I  was missing in the very simple use of a Photo…not to showcase my photography skills, as those are clearly not my forte, rather catching a moment in time.  Capturing a story of a moment, capturing a picture of a thought…Simple really : A photo and a story.  Each time I look as this photo I remember my journey on the island of Maui, where I will eventually return to retire and plant my feet in the sand of Keawakapu Beach.  We all have photos on our phone, and typically our phoneotos, as I call them, tell a story – this particular evening told the story of a young 25yr old finding beauty in a land unknown to him and realizing that this may very well be the new beginning he was looking for!   Many more photos, and stories to tell..!! Until then, All the Best….KL